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Production work, Behind the scenes, Notes and  Blogging.


Hello there web walker, and welcome to My site! Where I post art in my personal gallery and show off concepts and work in progress. Take a scroll through the home page and see some examples, or peruse through the tabs at the top, Look around in the library or keep up to date on my projects. Enjoy your stay and stick around, I'm always updating with new things.


= The Line Between - By Glyn Rodberd  =

In my early years of pencil and paper, I would doodle rudimentary cartoons in class, anything that took my fancy. Back then video games where an inspiration, as well as comic book characters. I had a small roster of my own thats slowly developed, I learnt new tricks and improved upon my methods. 

As of 2016, ive been working more on the digital side of art, equipping myself with tools and education to better my techniques. Taking to the online spectacle, I needed a face, a persona. Thus the character LeAdHead came into being, an alter ego of myself structured from my passion and thirst for the rebellious nature of creativity.

Working on my portfolio in the mean time, I attended University, developing my animation skills amidst the 2020 lockdowns. I would continue to design characters and develop lore in their worlds. Sometimes play around with themes and base concepts around already existing variables.

Two Examples of what I've worked on in Uni are pitches for cartoon series, one of a comic and of a TV broadcast. The TV series was called Cosmos and Craters, an space adventure with likeable fantasy characters of all walks of life, all together on their ship. And the graphic novel was ADCD, a detective cop story following two Toons with who get stuck deep in a slapstick murder mystery wrapped in a rubber-hose bow.

= Cosmos and Craters chronical  =

Above is a short roster of the characters and places seen in Cosmos in craters. Ship designs and machines, planetoids with their own history. Aside Is a poster with the two main characters in the Angels, Demons, Cops and Death graphic novel. You can also watch the promo trailer I made for my final project. You can find the comic in my "Projects" tab so you can watch its development.

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